Textile Logistics Company FineCom Keeps Outdoor Clothing in the Life Cycle
Rent instead of buying! Alt FineCom Finishing-eCommerce-Logistics GmbH has started trialing, at the Plattling location near Deggendorf, with logistics for rental concepts in the textile sector. The first customer will be Pyua Protection GmbH with its online rental for sustainable ski and outdoor clothing.
The Life Cycle for Textiles
FineCom has taken over the logistics for the cycle of sustainable textiles including reprocessing. The textile logistics company repairs, cleans and gives life to clothing, shoes and accessories in their certified organic logistics centre in Plattling according to certain criteria.
There, all materials and processes, including IT, are geared towards the closed life cycle of goods, right down to the reusable shipping bag.
Small Unit Principle
Returns go through a process that adapts to each volume according to the principle of small units. Together with the aid of trained part-time staff forming flexible teams and newly acquired small machines, the clothes are washed accurately and resource-efficiently, if necessary at a high cycle rate. After starting with ten shipments in the pilot, Pyua expects up to 2,000 shipments per month.
Software for Circulating Goods
“As a former dry cleaner, the task of keeping textiles in the life cycle for as long as possible speaks to us personally. For perfect reprocessing and logistics, we developed processes with the customer that map the complex flow of goods in the circular economy,” says FineCom Managing Director Franz S. Alt. For Pyua’s order, he has, among other things, programmed software that recognises goods and records their quality.
Rental and its Promising Growth
FineCom has entered a market area promising growth potential with Pyua with further enquiries from other rental businesses. The decisive factor is textile experience, confirms Oliver Espig, Head of Digital Business at Pyua: “The more professionally the goods are prepared, the longer they last in the life cycle. With FineCom, we have found a logistics service provider who understands textiles, keeps track of everything and is also very close to us.”